Cheers, Tears, and Fears for our (Tier) Students

I am the RtI Coordinator in my district which services 2000 students. Today, we had reading data meetings for our intermediate (3rd-5th) level students. After a three year plan and literacy audit, our 90% Reading Goal has been successful in grades K-5. All our students are growing as readers!

We have built such a solid RtI program over the last few years with HQIM and a strong Tier 1 system, our reading scores are the best they’ve ever been. This makes for very pleasant meetings with very few Tier 3 students.

Today, there were cheers, tears, and fears for our students as they continue to struggle with their mental health.

Today, I cheered for the 80% of readers in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade who have already met their reading benchmark. We are easily going to hit our 90% Reading Goal by May!

Today, I cheered for their teachers who have been adamant about sticking to our system and creating an environment where kids can show constant and consistent growth at their instructional reading level.

Today, I had tears listening to these amazing educators share their concerns about the mental health needs of our students. Homelessness. Severe absenteeism. ADH. Guidance. Behavior Interventionist. Split homes. Emotional immaturity.

I have fears about the lack of reading and writing taking place with a new generation of students.

Today, I had cheers, tears, and fears for our students.

One response to “Cheers, Tears, and Fears for our (Tier) Students”

  1. Congratulations on the great strides you’ve made. We all know your fears and all the work that still needs to be accomplished.

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